Shop incredible local deals on store returns and overstock items. Win the auction, choose a pickup time, and head to our local warehouse. We’ll deliver your items curbside and get you home fast to enjoy your savings!
Our AllSurplus Deals warehouses are open and full of exclusive deals on everything from TVs to rugs, grills, general merchandise, housewares, and all things in between. They are located near retail distribution hubs, so we can bring you great savings just as soon as they come in!
Select the warehouse most convenient to you to see items available for curbside pickup.
Shop thousands of great deals and place your bid online.
We'll let you know when you’ve won your item. After payment, schedule a time for pickup.
Park in the designated spot & let us know you're here. We'll bring out your order and you drive away with savings!
Looking for great deals on products for your home and family? AllSurplus Deals has got you covered! Save 50% - 90% off retail returns, overstock and unsold inventory. Learn more about AllSurplus Deals and how it works with this video.
Tucson Morning Blend
AllSurplus is an online auction company that allows you to find amazing items at a fraction of their retail price. In this video, Zoe Zandora, Morning Blend reporter, meets with AllSurplus Deals Spokesperson Gina Salazar, explains what to expect, and demonstrates how it works.
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